Helpers ================================= Lightsteem has a target to define helper classes for well known blockchain objects. This is designed in that way to prevent code repeat on client (library user) side. It's possible to use lightsteem for just a client. However, if you need to get an account's history, or get followers of account, you may use the helpers module. Account helper ================================= This class defines an Account in the STEEM blockchain. .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client c = Client() account = c.get_account('emrebeyler') When you execute that script in your REPL, lightsteem makes a RPC call to get the account data from the blockchain. Once you initialized the Account instance, you have access to these helper methods: Getting account history ----------------------------------- With this method, you can traverse entire history of a STEEM account. .. function:: history(self, account=None, limit=1000, filter=None, exclude=None, order="desc", only_operation_data=True, start_at=None, stop_at=None): :param account: (string) The username. :param limit: (integer) Batch size per call. :param filter: (list:string) Operation types to filter :param exclude: (list:s tring) Operation types to exclude :param order: (string) asc or desc. :param only_operation_data: (bool) If false, returns in the raw format. (Includes transaction information.) :param start_at: (datetime.datetime) Starts after that time to process ops. :param stop_at: (datetime.datetime) Stops at that time while processing ops. account_history is an important call for the STEEM applications. A few use cases: - Getting incoming delegations - Filtering transfers on specific accounts - Getting author, curation rewards etc. **Example: Get all incoming STEEM of binance account in the last 7 days** .. code-block:: python import datetime from lightsteem.client import Client from lightsteem.helpers.amount import Amount client = Client() account = client.account('deepcrypto8') one_week_ago = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=7) total_steem = 0 for op in account.history( stop_at=one_week_ago, filter=["transfer"]): if op["to"] != "deepcrypto8": continue total_steem += Amount(op["amount"]).amount print("Total STEEM deposited to Binance", total_steem) Getting account followers ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('deepcrypto8') print(account.followers()) Output will be a list of usernames. (string) Getting account followings ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('emrebeyler') print(account.following()) Output will be a list of usernames. (string) Getting account ignorers (Muters) ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('emrebeyler') print(account.ignorers()) Getting account ignorings (Muted list) ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('emrebeyler') print(account.ignorings()) Getting voting power ----------------------------------- This helper method determines the account's voting power. In default, It considers account's regenerated VP. (Actual VP) If you want the VP at the time the last vote casted, you can pass consider_regeneration=False. .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('emrebeyler') print(account.vp()) print(account.vp(consider_regeneration=False)) Getting account reputation ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() account = client.account('emrebeyler') print(account.reputation()) Default precision is 2. You can set it by passing precision=N parameter. Amount helper ================================= A simple class to convert "1234.1234 STEEM" kind of values to Decimal. .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.helpers.amount import Amount amount = Amount("42.5466 STEEM") print(amount.amount) print(amount.symbol) EventListener Helper ================================= EventListener is a helper class to listen specific operations (events) on the blockchain. **Stream blockchain for the incoming transfers related to a specific account** .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.helpers.event_listener import EventListener from lightsteem.client import Client client = Client() events = EventListener(client) for transfer in events.on('transfer', filter_by={"to": "emrebeyler"}): print(transfer) **Stream for incoming vote actions** .. code-block:: python events = EventListener(client) for witness_vote in events.on('account_witness_vote', filter_by={"witness": "emrebeyler"}): print(witness_vote) **Conditions via callables** Stream for the comments and posts tagged with utopian-io. .. code-block:: python from lightsteem.client import Client from lightsteem.helpers.event_listener import EventListener import json c = Client() events = EventListener(c) def filter_tags(comment_body): if not comment_body.get("json_metadata"): return False try: tags = json.loads(comment_body["json_metadata"])["tags"] except KeyError: return False return "utopian-io" in tags for op in events.on("comment", condition=filter_tags): print(op) EventListener class also has - start_block - end_block params that you can limit the streaming process into specific blocks.